Re: Blog: I bought a new HDTV…and it`s not 3D

Home Forums Re: Blog: I bought a new HDTV…and it`s not 3D


No.  I consider a 50″ the minimum size for a main viewing room TV. [/quote]

Yep, don’t go any smaller… I love my 50″ for most TV watching, but when we watch a lot of HD movies (especially those in 2.35:1) I start to want a 58″/60″ plasma.

Even 50″ at ~10-12ft like most apartment living rooms your eye can’t resolve all the detail of 1080p (you can barely resolve the full detail of 720p at the size/distance), so you certainly don’t want to go smaller.

Here’s a good chart that’s been around the ‘net that I added different distance markers to.