Re: Review: Ceton InfiniTV 4 Quad CableCARD Tuner – Part I

Home Forums Re: Review: Ceton InfiniTV 4 Quad CableCARD Tuner – Part I

Mike Garcen

    Nice review but noobs need to know that they lose all access to VOD and Pay-per-View. 

    You don’t lose On-Demand by getting a DCT, only if you give up the STB (the two aren’t dependent conditions).  I’m planning to keep a STB for On-Demand.

    euuuuw!! i can’t ever go back to Comcast’s guide and even their on-demand interface is awful. The whole point of having an MCE is that you are your own on-demand!! Get a big enough hard drive and just record EEEEVVVERYTHING! 🙂