Re: So my Harmony died today
[quote=”bobc_jr”]they have a 610 (refurb) for 45.
That’s the refurb 610 I was talking about in the first post. Asked if anybody ever had any experience with that model. I’m not really feeling the peanut shape and button layout, was hoping maybe somebody had a compelling reason for me to reconsider. But judging by the responses, I guess not 😉
I’ve had a slickdeals alert set up since about 15 minutes after my remote broke haha. That’s how I knew about the 30% off coupon that had just expired the day before my remote broke.
If getting a support ticket # is that hard then maybe it’s not worth the trouble. But if I really can pull it off, that would put the 650 at exactly the same price I paid for my 550. I’ll give it one more try before giving up though. I did do it through the software the first time. Hmm.