Re: Why is it so difficult to cut the Cable?

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    I agree with the complaints on quality of internet video. I absolutely hate watching Hulu on my 50″ HDTV, but compared to paying $100 a month for the same priveledge from the cable company I’m willing to suck it up and deal for the very few shows I’d bother watching. Netflix streaming actually is decent so the only gripe there is content/choices.

    I cut the cord awhile ago (3 years? I don’t even remember anymore) and haven’t looked back. My biggest loss (besides HGTV) is live sports. This year, I couldn’t stand it anymore and bought a subscription to which has helped fill the gap along with ESPN3, both of which I can access through my xbox 360 using PlayOn. Using PlayOn through an extender is a painful experience that I now avoid. Soon enough the xbox will do ESPN3 natively and I won’t need PlayOn for that anymore. I wish I had a PS3 so I could say the same for

    This article perplexes me as well since it completely avoids OTA. Why on earth those roommates would gather around a laptop is beyond me… at the very least, use some sort of video out to your TV! They wouldn’t even need to venture into tuners and OTA or anything else to do that. To me, this article just proves that people are ignorant of their options when cutting the cord, not that they aren’t willing to do it. I have a friend who doesn’t have cable because she can’t afford it, yet she didn’t have the slightest clue about OTA until I explained it to her. Once there are more informed people I think there may be more willing to take the leap.