So if I read your post
So if I read your post properly you want the below. Is that correct?
A– Your script to run on your WHS that moves files to from your HTPC.
B– After step A finishes have SA launched on your HTPC pointing at your WHS share?
If that is correct I have two suggestions:
1- Don’t run your initial script to move files from your WHS. Have it run on HTPC. That could be step #1 of your Scheduled Task and step #2 could be either Andy’s or my script.
2- Keep it as is and use my script on your HTPC but pointing at your WHS share. You can add a step to your Scheduled Task from step A that triggers a Scheduled Task on your HTPC (there is a command line for it: SCHTASKS /Run /S HTPC /U <user> /P <password> /I /TN “Run ShowAnalyzer”)
If either of sound right to you I can modify my script to let you specify a path rather than use the default “Recorded TV” path