Thanks andrew,   that was it

Home Forums Thanks andrew,   that was it


    Thanks andrew,


    that was it works great just some teeking for each shows commercials example Rizzoli & Isles  the 3rd commercial is not skipped


    O.K. Got it…

    On a W7 Ult. VM running DVRMS and Show Analyzer

    DVRMS setting are:

    prefered analyzer set to = automatic
    File watcher = set to watch recorded TV folder \ServerNameRecorded_TV
    commercial skip path set to + a folder named \ServerNameRecorded_TVCommercialXML CommercialXML —‘that i created in the WHS 2011 Recorded TV folder”—

    Show Analyser:

    under settings,

    Scheduler = i enabled Directory watcher then a little lower i identified the TV directory to watch
    Output tab = set the where to the folder on server \ServernameCommercialXML just above that i set it to “LIVE” and everything else below to “NEVER”
    On Queue tab = started directory watcher and at the bottom of that area i ran Analyze now

    Now on the Client that i wanted to watch the commercial skipping shows on :

    i ran DTB…entry20437.aspx

    Andy did mention you could just run DTB add in. which i may try just to reduce total volume size with


    prefered Analyzer = to be Showanalyzer

    output directory = \servernamerecordedTvcommercialXML
    file watcher = \servernamerecorded_tv

    my client HTPC for this has a OCZ 50GB SSD OS and a 500GB Drive for recorded TV till being moved to server at midnight by WMC ” i will probably make it direct to server but its a nice backup plan when i take server offline ” very cool since i havent had this working when i switched the whole house to 64bit and windows 7 :)

    Make sure all folder are shared,

    I’m sure i will still have to fine tune some of the shows “skip points” but this is at least doing all the CPU intensive work on the VM and not on my HTPC while im watching a show

    at some point ill share my ceton tuners with the VM and do the recording on it as well or try a silicon dust network tuner at some point :)