There is just strangeness

Home Forums There is just strangeness


    There is just strangeness with Media Center dealing with (HDMI) resolution negotiation.  Sometimes I wish there was an option to force WMC to not use FSE (full screen exclusive) mode and just behave like a normal full screen application on the desktop (as far as I know, there is no such option), because it does seem the Windows 7 desktop does not have the issues that WMC does.

    I have the HDMI detective and it fixed a lot of problems when turning the TV on/off while WMC is running (ie. set a music playlist, turn tv off, go to change it, so turn tv on, problems…).  But the HDMI detective didn’t seem to solve some of the problems when WMC comes out of sleep mode (black screen, wrong resolution).

    So I have my Harmony remote automatically close WMC before putting the system to sleep, and have it automatically restart WMC when waking the system up.  This avoids 99.9% of the problems (I’m not going to say it is perfect, but it is close).  It is not quite as “clean” when the system starts up (you see the WMC splash screen), but it generally works…