This thing is not letting me
March 14, 2012 at 4:39 am
This thing is not letting me re-post.. flagging me as spam and then saying too many repeated posts…
What I need is a stand alone script that will run from the HTPC and scan the folder on the server along with the subfolders. I could not tell if your original script would scan subfolders. from this code:
FOR %%I IN (*.wtv) DO IF NOT EXIST “%%~nI.xml” IF NOT EXIST “%%~nI.log” (
ECHO %%~nI>>%~n0.log
“%__ProgamFiles%Dragon GlobalShowAnalyzerSuiteShowAnalyzer.exe” “%%~fI”
I don’t mind hard coding the server path as long as each shows sub folder is scanned. (Screen shot attached). You will also notice that the xml files are on the server in their own folder. these locations work for watching and auto-skipping, just not auto scanning.
Thanks again.