Your recording schedule won’t

Home Forums Your recording schedule won’t


    Your recording schedule won’t be affected, but your channel list will likely reset back to default.  I recently added a standard HDHomeRun to my setup in addition to my existing Ceton InfiniTV4, two Hauppauge 2250’s, and a HDHR Prime.  When I tried to watch live TV I got a message that all tuners were busy.  I reran the HDHR setup and scanned the channels for the newly discovered tuners.  After that I reran TV signal setup in Media Center.  When it finished it found the new tuners and added them to the mix.  My recording schedule was untouched.  I haven’t actually checked to see if my favorite channels list was still there, but I seem to recall that anytiome you rerun the TV signal setup it wipes any favorites lists you may have set up previously.