Take a not so typical housewife **cough**Mrs. Lowtech**cough** and start off with Good Morning America then moving on to stuff like The View, a few soaps, the midday news, Oprah, QVC and any other or all shopping channels, a Seinfeld rerun or two, the afternoon news, the reality show of the day…etc, etc.
I wish I had your motivation to write code. I was briefly interested in writing for Android prior to getting my phone and then every idea I had was already done.
Then last week I installed everything to write code with lightswitch but there are so many bugs in using it I am going to wait until a RC comes out.
Check Craigslist, in the computer gigs section. You’ll find plenty of people with “million dollar ideas” who need a partner to code it for them. Especially mobile apps or websites. I’ve read enough stories on TheDailyWTF to know how most of those stories will work out, but sometimes I think it would be fun to do a couple in my spare time.
I’ve been trying to get my family used to the idea of Windows Media Center with extenders. My wife is resistant to anything technological so I succumbed and let her keep her cable box in the bedroom. The thing is, she has a standard def box on a 32″ HDTV and she could care less that it’s not in HD. I think a lot of people fall into this category and just want to watch TV regardless of how good it looks. How else can you explain why so many people will gladly watch TV on a 3″ portable device screen?