[url=http://www.missingremote.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2170&Itemid=1&limit=1&limitstart=4]Original Article Link[/url]
Excellent guide on some of the perils of upgrading Linux. Going through this process never ranks high on my “Things I want to do tonight” list. Eventually, my hand is forced due to obsolescence and I have to grind through it.
I know it is a bit late now, but switching to [url=http://www.centos.org/]CentOS[/url] (RedHat Enterprise Linux clone) will greatly reduce the number of times this process occurs. CentOS 5 (RHEL5) was recently released and will probably remain the “current” release for over a year. It is loosely based on Fedore Core 6 technology and has been performing quite well for me. If you are used to Fedora, then CentOS will look very familiar.