I’ve only spent about a week looking at hardware and parts for an HTPC but I was wondering if someone would critique my build. This is for a win7 64 os with mediabrowser or xmbc interface.
I want to output 1080p video directly to the tv and 5.1 sound to a receiver.
Yes. The system will definitely be powerful enough to fulfill your requirements. If that’s all you will be doing, you could even step down to a SNB Pentium to save a few bucks.
You will probably get a variety of opinions on input devices because there are different needs and use cases that everyone has as well as personal preference. There’s no one single “right” input device.
Will the hard drive be used just for storing movies to playback on this HTPC? If not (recording TV or multiple clients), I’d probably swap it out for a 7200RPM drive with more cache.
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