DirecTV H20 vs. (Any) PC tuner – ATSC performance

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    Does any one have a DirecTV H20 receiver that they use for ATSC tuning that can also compare it to their PC’s ATSC tuner?  I have this set-up and was wondering if any one else prefers one tuner over the other.  If I watch a local HD channel using my HVR1600, I usually use the signal strength meter on my Direc receiver to tune the channel in first and then switch it over to my PC.  Usually if I can tune it on the DirecTV receiver then I can pick it up on my PC as well.  But sometimes, and I think it’s usually with my local CBS station (which is my weakest channel), I can pick it up with my DirecTV receiver, but Sage will show “No Signal”.  So I’m just wondering how others’ experiences compare.  I absolutely hate my H20 receiver, but a lot of that might have to do with having to switch from my Sony SAT-HD300 which was 100 times better (for anyone who might not know, only DirecTV’s own brand of receivers can receive the new HD channels that DirecTV added).  Everyone should take a page from Sony’s approach to a signal strength meter for ATSC…a button on the remote that says “Signal”; you hit it and it displays a bar at the bottom of the screen that shows the signal strength…it doesn’t minimize your picture or get rid of it entirely.  It just simply keeps the full screen picture there and shows the meter; what a novel idea.  I can’t count the number of button presses that I have to go through to view the signal meter on DirecTV’s receiver…pretty much the same way with Sage.  Come on Sage; I think you guys can do better!  Someone asked a while back about things you’d like to see in SageTV; for me, that’s one of ’em.  Just hit a button or have a selection added to the menu that says “Signal Strength”.

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