So I’m working nights for the month, and had a night off, so decided to swap in the WD 750GB GP hard drive in the the HTPC while everyone was asleep. I was going to replace one of my existing drives (seagate 500GB), so I copied everything over – that went fine. Swaped it in, started up, assigend the drive letter, started SageTV – everything ok. Watched a few min of a show that was on it – fine. Checked the temp/status with SIW – good. Went to sleep.
Woke up a few hours later, tried to watch a show, and SageTV hung. Also, windows was saying that there was a write error to the new drive. Tried to watch a show from it via WMP, no go. rebooted and the startup screen said it was a SMART failure. 🙁
Opened up the case and swapped the old drive back in, and RMA’s the new drive back to WD as I had it for over 30 days from newegg (opening the HTPC is a pain as it’s in an equipment rack…)
What fun!
Is there something I can do to the drive I get back to ensure it’s good before I swap it in? I’ve also got a 1TB WD GP drive that was going to go in my next night off – how can I check that?