My old HP work notebook is getting long in the tooth. The VGA output on it is flickering really badly and it is starting to give me a headache, especially on this site 😉
It is a Core 2 at 1.5 ghz with 4GB of memory and a 14″ 16×10 screen. It was super cheap when I got it and I upgraded it to 4GB from 1 and a SSD from Intel. But the VGA output is killing me now.
I need a new notebook and I could use some advise if anyone has any.
Here are my priorities:
HDMI output
battery life of 4 hours or more
CPU at least as fast as what I have now, 2 ghz + prefered but performance is not critical
14″ or smaller
Quality screen with better than 300:1 contrast. This could be hard to find.
BD drive would be awesome but not required.
Price as low as possible. Below $750 is fine
Onboard graphics are fine as long as it can accelerate video