HP Gets It Right With CableCard

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  • #22620

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      It’s about time! This is what I was hoping for, major OEMs to sell [b]Digital Cable Ready[/b] systems. These are the systems that enable users to buy a cablecard add on if they so desire. Personally I’d like an internal solution more, but this is at least a step in the right direction and is bound to appeal to a much broader audience.

      Of course, I could still hit newegg and build a waaaay more powerful system for that price myself. Shame that kills the possibility of cablecard.

      I haven’t bought an OEM system in over a decade… how hard is it to swap out parts in those machines? I mean, it’s the motherboard and OS that are tied to the cablecard, could I theoretically change all the other components? Or port the entire system to a nicer looking case? Hmm.

      [b]EDIT:[/b] My bad, misread the configuration options. It [i]is[/i] and internal card!  😮
      Or wait… does it mean the external cablecard tuner plus a 2nd non-cablecard internal tuner? Hmm. Confused now. And to make matters worse, if you add the card in the configuration options, it says it “The selected TV tuner is not supported with the OS system. The option, in “Operating System” category, should be re-selected”. WTF? Of course it’s supported by Vista Ultimate, their page must be screwy… they only allow that one middle option.

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