January 26th Blu-ray Releases

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    While I may not have been a big fan of Surrogates, it wasn’t as bad as some people made it out to be.  My biggest issue was that they seemed to rush the story when they should have done significantly more character development.  Overall, however, the premise was solid and very easily compared with our society’s current direction towards online lives.

    As far as “This Is It” goes, it will be a cold day in hell before I sit down and watch this.  I enjoyed his music, even when it wasn’t “cool” to like it (that would be back in the “Beat It” era), and still enjoy it to this day.  He was truly an amazing performer and musician.  But, his death didn’t change [b][i]my[/i][/b] perception of his personal life.  All the accusations, lawsuits, and settlements definitely tainted my opinion of the guy and, while most people have apparently forgotten about all that, it still rings loudly in my mind.

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