Multi room system for music

Home Forums Beginner General Questions Multi room system for music

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Techbutton.
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    I think I may have put this in the wrong place to start off with, so reproduced below is my question!


    Hi All. I am not particularly technologically minded, but looking to set up a multi room wireless speaker system, more for music than for home cinema, so I can have the same output in each room. Are there any obvious systems that people would recommend? Presumably I would be able to input ipod, CD etc into any system along those lines?

    Thanks in advance, sorry if this is an obvious question


      Hey Haley,

      IMHO there are several good solutions to whole house audio depending on your needs, ease of use, and of course budget. I think the biggest challenge would be how to elegantly control the volume in different zones (ie loud in the kitchen, soft in master BR). My setup is not wireless but it is relatively cheap compared to commercial solutions.


      – Web enabled receiver (i chose VSX-1121 with built in pandora)

      – In-wall speakers (from monoprice)

      – Speaker wire (from monoprice)

      – A/B/C/D Speaker splitter (from monoprice)

      – In-wall volume knobs (from monoprice)


      I use zone 2 output on my receiver to the splitter which then goes to all the speakers in the house. I leave the splitter on all zones all the time. I control the receiver using the pioneer smartphone app and leave the volume turned up high. That way i can control the volume/mute in each room independently using the in-wall volume knobs. This only allows a single source to play at a time but that suits my needs perfectly.

      If you are looking for something more robust, this might be of interest:

      Hopefully this helps with some ideas! 



        This is a great idea Liger. With Home Automation coming out there is going to be much more of thise option out there. The do it yourself options like you have built or built into your house on a new house. This would be very interesting topic to cover here. Let me do some more digging and see if we can find some more options.

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