Poll: Unboxing – Videos or Photos?

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    Trying to gauge which approach I should take for upcoming reviews. What do you guys think?


    Wow, not a single taker for video yet? Let’s get more votes!!


    Hope it’s not all staff members who voted.  🙂


    That’s why I put the poll up. I was trying to figure out if I should buy a tripod for use shooting video for my next review. But if photos are the preferred method, I won’t bother.

    Of course it’s probably just staff voting for photos because they’re lazy…but then again once you have a tripod is shooting some video actually easier? No resizing. Only one thing to upload and put in article…


    That’s why I didn’t vote.  I like photos, since I can quickly take another one.  If I screw up a video, I need to start over.  However, this is about the readers, not me.  Actually, I’d put this on the front page to give it more visibility.


      I feel like that if you do video you should also provide images.  I know I’m in the minority but I disable all video plug-ins in all my browsers and block most social media on my router.  If there is a video alone good chance I won’t watch it.


      Well, I would probably combine a video unboxing of everything with closeup photos of the devices/components. But I’m not going to shoot video of taking everything out of the box and also take lots of pictures of packaging.


      Still just staff members talking here.  ;D    Need more input!  …from the people who really matter.


      I like both actually.  Unboxing I think photos are fine but if I want to see an interface on something or how it works I would rather watch a video.  With photos I can look for awhile and get a good idea of the device.  Sometimes the videos of unboxing to me are nothing special.  If it takes too much work to make a video then photos should def be the choice.


        Personally, I never pay too much attention to the unboxing portion of a review anyway.  99.99% of the time it really doesn’t matter to me how the thing is packaged.  I’m more interested in the product itself.


        Someone should tell engadget 🙂


        For me, photos are the way to go as all I care about is seeing the product in a way that puts its look and size into real world scale.  I don’t see much point to a video for an unboxing, but a video review would be something I would watch.  Screenshots and reviewer comments can’t really capture something objective such as the speed of the interface or how intuitive actually using the product where as if its in a video it is easier to decide what performance is acceptable.


        I voted for photos.  They’re just right there to see as you’re reading so you can see what they’re talking about just by glancing.  Most video stuff I don’t bother to play, just because it takes more time, and also depending on the video or site, they normally don’t play well over my slow DSL.


        Photos.  I usually don’t care enough about a product to sit through a 5 minute video.  If I do care enough then I’ve probably pre-ordered it already.  15-30 seconds of browsing the photos is plenty.


        I think we can put this one to rest….

        12 – 0 => Photos are a winner

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