I looked in the search forum and didnt see anythin regarding this, so…
I’m not really happy with my Vista install, but figure I will give it one more chance, after a fresh clean install. Is it possible to reinstall (total reformat and reinstall) without first installing XP?
A couple more odd licensing questions…
Can I have XP and Vista installed and authorized on the same HD? I’d like to be able to roll back to XP and not have to deal with calling up to get a reauthorization, if possible.
lastly, if I ever decided to get a new primary HD, can I move the OS over to the new drive without breaking the authorization? or, can I de-authorize my copy of vista to easily reinstall on the new drive? I have a IDE HD for C, and would eventually like to get a newer, faster larger SATA drive (and also get rid of the IDE cables forever)