Review: Amulet Devices Remote Control

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  • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Steve_C.
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    [url=]Original Article Link[/url]

    Damn that looks cool.  But I love my Harmony One.  Would also be very conveneint for people who have some disability and have a hard time using a remote, so they might consider expanding this into home automation.  For the right price it could be a big seller.

    Andrew Van Til

      I have to admit that I’ve always been very skeptical of voice controlled remotes, but this is really cool – the video does a great job of demonstrating that.

      Biggest problem is that it’s not as flexible as the Harmony for creating macros, custom buttons, etc. which would make it really hard for me to use at home.


      Thanks for the review.  I think the product is great but it still suffers from one issue that plagues remotes…they can get lost.  That is why I think Kinect would make a better solution ultimately..doesn’t get lost, can detect who you are and also has a silent mode (gestures).  But that isn’t available for PCs yet and even if it did, some traditional users may feel uncomfortable with a camera tracking them.  So I think there is a market for Amulet’s wireless mic/remote.

      Curious, does Amulet utilize the speech recognition engine/profiles in Windows 7?  I’ve already trained my convertible laptop and would like to use my existing speech profile.  Also does this work on extenders?

      Mike Garcen

        Curious, does Amulet utilize the speech recognition engine/profiles in Windows 7?  I’ve already trained my convertible laptop and would like to use my existing speech profile.  Also does this work on extenders?

        yes, it uses the native Win7 speech recognition, and you can toggle and switch profiles on the fly via voice commands.

        for extenders, the IR portion will work obviously, but the voice won’t because the extender can’t support the USB dongle required for RF.


          So I’ve had a chance to use the Amulet Review for the last 10 days or so.  My Harmony One is going on eBay later week…


          Seriously?  You prefer it that much over the Harmony?  I have trouble picturing myself choosing that over my Harmony remote.  (Granted, I don’t have that option since I’m using SageTV, but I digress.)  Even after going through the entire review, while I was admittedly impressed, it just didn’t seem like something I’d want to use.


            I’ve had the Harmony One since day 1 of its release and my family has always hated the Harmony One.  It took them less than a day to use and enjoy the Amulet Remote.

            The Harmony One is a great universal remote but it still has so many shortcomings as a remote in my opinion.


            Maybe it’s the Harmony One then.  I use the 890 and absolutely love it.


              I’m from Amulet, couldn’t agree more about finding remote etc,
              that’s why I had to make this..

              it’s essentially the Amulet software (the music control bit) that works with Kinect (it even works with the xbox360 kinect) and it’s free!


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