[url=http://www.missingremote.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=633&Itemid=152&limit=1&limitstart=5]Original Article Link[/url]
Nice review. I was really looking forward to it. I appreciate the large pictures of the internals. Shows details nicely. I understand why they would want to save the customer money by throwing in a small manual but I agree that it would be nice to have a label or silk screen describing the function of the I/O.
1) Do you have any idea what the added network load is with this unit?
2) What would need to be done to get the analog tuners on the unit working? Is it a driver thing on the HTPC side or is it something in the unit itself that needs a fix? A hardware mpeg2 encoder would be great but the focus of the unit is of course HD.
3) Did you measure the time it takes to change channels? Is it on par with other tuners? Faster? Slower?
4) Any issues recording/watching from both tuners simultaneously?
It is unfortunate you can’t test OTA tuning though. I would wonder how the reception compares to other OTA PVR tuners as well as stand alone OTA tuners.
I look forward to your additional review for using with mythtv. 😉 😉