The Winter Olympics

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    Does the Olympics seem to have less coverage than usual or am I just out of the loop?  I thought that with past winter and summer Olympics that there was other coverage besides NBC, such as CNBC and I think even HDNet.  But I haven’t heard of any other alternate coverage.  Am I just not paying attention?  And I know that Microsoft was offering coverage with Silverlight in the past, but they’re not doing that either to my knowledge.

    I’m not a big Olympics fan, but at least I can watch it because people seem to care.  I hate watching sports where no one seems to care.  When I was young I could watch 2 division III colleges play basketball and enjoy it.  But now, when I see only 50 people in the stands my stance is, “If the people who should care, don’t, then why should I?”.

    I hate it when networks will offer so much coverage one time and then do something totally different the next time.  ESPN really pisses me off with their coverage of the X Games now.  The first few years they used to really hype it up with commericials on all the time leading up to it.  Then they used to have 3 or 4 hour blocks of X Games coverage in prime time and then another 3 or 4 hour block at midnight.  They had stuff going on all the time.  Now they’re lucky to show 1 or 2 hours in a day’s time and most of the time they’ve showed several events before I even know they’ve started the X Games.  I think they finish up in a weekend where it used to be a week or 2 week event.  Sorry, I digress from the original question.

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