It’s been over 5 years since I’ve built my last HTPC and it is still going strong, but I figure it is about time for an upgrade. I’m really happy w/ my last build, but as of Vista, ASUS is no longer producing drivers for my mobo (A7N8X-E Deluxe). This means I lose the awesome SoundStorm audio that I currently have. Otherwise, I would just slap Win 7 on my existing hardware.
So I’m thinking of throwing together an Intel Core2 system (to keep costs down since the i7/i5s were released). I will probably repurpose some of the hardware I’ve already got (HDDs, Hauppauge PVR-150s, Silverstone LC03V case). Here’s what I’m hoping to get out of the system:
– Bluray playback
– SoundStorm equivalent audio
– Ability to use CableCard tuners when they are released late this year/early next
I’d also like to know if there is some way I can convert the VFD in my LC03 to use USB since most mobos have dropped parallel ports. If not, I can try to get it working w/ an add-in parallel card.
So what are recommended video card series these days?
Any insight you guys could offer is greatly appreciated.