Aaron Ledger
Forum Replies Created
Aaron Ledger
Just so you know what to expect, up to 65C is within spec. If you are running WMC, the current InfiniTV drivers include an add-in that allows you to check the temperature from WMC.
Aaron Ledger
No problem. You can check your recording history in WMC and it will tell you if the error occurred. If you see any recordings marked as “Partial” that should reveal the error (if that was the cause).
Aaron Ledger
I wouldn’t assume that the system has the latest drivers. You should download them directly from AMD.
Since the file you are having trouble with is unknown, you could try using MediaInfo to identify what type of file it is.
The E-350 can probably play back the content successfully, you just need to have the software and drivers set up properly.
Aaron Ledger
What is the source of the 720p movie? Is this something you have encoded? If not, are you positive that the source file is good? What setting do you have for your output resolution and refresh rate?
Also, the E-350 is a weak processor so you will surely want to make sure hardware acceleration is used for video playback. I don’t use VLC or XBMC much so I can’t instruct on how to verify for those packages. Here is a link for VLC setting. It says only h.264 is using HW so if your video file is VC-1 or MPEG-2, it apparently decodes in SW.
Have you installed the latest drivers for your system from AMD?
Aaron Ledger
Sheepy, you are correct when talking about copy-protected CableCARD content; however, it should be noted that there is software besides WMC (such as MythTV, SageTV via SageDCT, XBMC via plugins) that can make use of CableCARD tuners so long as the content is not copy-protected.
Aaron Ledger
I recommend that you contact SiliconDust for support to try and determine why the errors are still occurring for you.
With the InfiniTV 4, there is a debug log that shows if the flag is set in the program. There may be something similar with the SiliconDust product, but I have no experience with it. Something you could try, though I suspect it will not help is to power cycle your SiliconDust tuner.
Aaron Ledger
There was an incident last week with Modern Family setting CGMS-A flag. Normally, this is never supposed to happen and was some sort of fluke caused by ABC. I happened to be recording this program and noticed that WMC was a bit buggy after the recording happened. Specifically, I noted that the first 9 minutes of Modern Family was flagged with CGMS-A flag (0x01) and WMC treated it as Copy Never.
Fortunately, part of the WMC bug appears to be that it doesn’t delete or restrict this content even though it is flagged and “expired” after 90 minutes from recording. Several recordings after Modern Family were also noted as you describe in their first minute of recording on other channels. This seems to be some strange artifact resulting from WMC seeing the CGMS-A flagged content. I recommend that you reboot and see if this behavior goes away as it did in my case.
Aaron Ledger
You should do a little bit of research on the mymovies.xml file because the My Movies software recently changed to encrypt the mymovies.xml so I am not sure how compatible it will be with other applications that create mymovies.xml files. It may be fully compatible, but I just wanted to give you a heads up before you get too far down a certain path and find out it won’t work.
Aaron Ledger
There is nothing you can do on your side other than call up your Cable provider and have them send the authorization to your CableCARD.
Aaron Ledger
Yes. The system will definitely be powerful enough to fulfill your requirements. If that’s all you will be doing, you could even step down to a SNB Pentium to save a few bucks.
You will probably get a variety of opinions on input devices because there are different needs and use cases that everyone has as well as personal preference. There’s no one single “right” input device.
Aaron Ledger
The entries will affect all of WMC. If you’re concerned, just export the folder from regedit before making the changes and then reverting is as simple as double-clicking the .reg file you created.
Aaron Ledger
I had been using the Silverlight 5 Beta for some time because it was the only way Netflix was watchable on any of my PCs. As you pointed out, judder city w/o SL 5. The PQ with SL 5 finally made the PC on par with other devices which ironically have much less horsepower.
Aaron Ledger
That’s great. I am glad you got it sorted out. TAs are a real pain. I recently moved from a Cox area with TA to a Comcast area without TA and guess which area is a better experience…
Aaron Ledger
Depending on your CableCard product, you can determine by looking at the diagnostic information while watching the program (may be designated as CCI). You can also record a program and use WMC Info command when it has concluded recording. If the program is copy protected, there will be a designation.
Aaron Ledger
I agree that I waste space, but for me, the equation is wasted space vs. my time = my time wins.