Aaron Ledger
Forum Replies Created
Aaron Ledger
Deal and rebate only for Newegg.
Aaron Ledger
Did you see our review of the board? There are links to cheaper PSUs.
Aaron Ledger
Hey, you just saved yourself $100!
Aaron Ledger
Updated, thanks.
Still looking for some major markets like New York, Philadelphia, San Antonio, etc.
Aaron Ledger
Is your AVR capable of passing HDMI while in standby? Why not use the AVR for all of your audio requirements? Have you considered an inexpensive HDMI port multiplier like this? One thing I am not sure of is how the port multiplier will report the audio capability to the PC if both display and AVR are active. For that case, you could use an HDMI switch and pass everything through the AVR or pass to the display only.
Aaron Ledger
You could try mcBackup. Also, a lot of times, it is easier to unselect all and then add in the ones you want as opposed to the reverse operation.
Aaron Ledger
It’s worth a shot, but this certainly doesn’t work for me.
Aaron Ledger
😀 Good thing I already had this one or I would have been coming up with $20 worth of other stuff to buy!
Aaron Ledger
He’s not even going into Standby, it sounds like his computer freaks out when the TV is turned off while computer is left on.
See my 2nd post 😛
Aaron Ledger
Have you tried using different cables? Sometimes adding a longer cable, say 12′ instead of 6′, will solve certain HDMI handshaking issues.
A workaround you could do is to perform a resolution change and map that function to a button on your remote. I use Andrew’s ResChange utility to do this.
Aaron Ledger
You keep tempting me to buy the HDMI Detective 🙂
I have minimized the resolution changes by using Andrew’s Standby Helper to shutdown WMC on standby and open it upon resume, but they still happen every once in a while.
Aaron Ledger
No. That is not stored in user profiles. You can back it up and import though using a tool like mcBackup.
Aaron Ledger
It is rather extreme, but I suppose you could delete the user profile completely and try again.
Aaron Ledger
It wouldn’t hurt. I am not 100% positive, but I believe that as long as under Advanced Power Options Settings-> Multimedia Settings -> “When Sharing Media” is not set to go to Away Mode, then it will not take effect.
Aaron Ledger
You could check to make sure Away Mode is not active. In regedit, goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerPower ancd make sure AwayModeEnabled is 0.
You could try deleting or setting the default power profiles back to default.