Aaron Ledger
Forum Replies Created
Aaron Ledger
The telecine switching is part of the originally broadcast program so you see it in recordings as well as live TV. Depending on the content and channel, it may never have switching, the switching may occur fairly infrequently or it may occur frequently. If the switching is occurring in the content, you may or may not always notice the switch depending on the type of motion at the time the switch occurred.
How much you would be bothered by this behavior depends on your sensitivity to judder and what the actual content is that you are watching.
Aaron Ledger
I did see an Onkyo TX-NR717, but it is currently $820 🙁
Keep your eyes open for any sales on the Denon AVR3312CI. You may also be able to find a deal locally. This is the time of year retailers sell them out because of the new models. Also, give Electronics Expo a call and ask them for their best price. That’s where I purchased my Denon AVR2112CI from last year.
Aaron Ledger
If you shop somewhere with a liberal return policy, you might want to give it a try to see how well it works for you. I am very sensitive to judder, but not everyone is. I still find that with the content I watch that has the telecine switching (mostly shows recorded from AMC) that the 6570 is not horrible. What I find is that in certain sequences of motion when the telecine switch occurs is that there may be a slight jump as if there was a frame drop or repeat event. It’s not ideal, but for me, the other pros outweigh the cons.
Aaron Ledger
The CV-505 unit appears as though it would work for what you are trying to accomplish. At $400 though, I wonder if you might be better off investing in something a little more standard like an AVR with pre-amp outputs. I recently saw Amazon was selling the Denon AVR3312CI for about $550 though the price is now back up to $750. There are other AVRs though you could take a look at that also have preamp outputs.
With an AVR, you’ll also have the flexibility to upgrade the speakers in the future and use the power of the AVR to drive them, not to mention all the other functionality offered by the AVR.
Aaron Ledger
I do not understand. Are you asking how to hook the speakers up to your TV? If so, it looks like you need to connect the analog audio output from the TV into the subwoofer “Front” port. You won’t get all the other channels though.
Aaron Ledger
I think what Dkeyguy1 is seeing is similar to my experience in that there are configurations where particular cards perform better/worse depending on the circumstance. A card (and particular driver version) may handle some content types better/worse and it may also behave differently with displays, AVRs, HDMI repeaters, etc (HDMI handshaking issues). Unfortunately, this essentially means, you just have to give something a try that *should* be good and see if it works adequately with your equipment and content types.
In my primary viewing environment, I have my HTPC connected to a Samsung C8000 plasma via a Denon AVR-2112CI. I have used Intel HD Graphics, NVIDIA GT 430, GTX 560Ti and AMD 6570. Out of those selections, I prefer the 6570 for the following reasons:
1. 6570 behaves best with respect to HDMI handshaking (e.g. it never comes up in an incorrect resolution or some other anomaly) whereas Intel and NVIDIA both have occasional issues in this setup though connecting directly to the display seems to alleviate most issues.
2. Full-range RGB color space is easiest to achieve in my configuration with 6570. NVIDIA requires messing with the installation or creating custom resolution to get full-range out of HDMI. Intel will only output limited-range to my display (though this is purportedly fixed in IVB).
3. 6570 has the most accurate pixel clock for 24p content. Basically, I can watch a feature-length film via 6570 without a drop/repeat whereas the Intel/NVIDIA solutions will have at least a few. NVIDIA will allow getting even closer if you set a custom resolution, but I personally find this to be a pain.
4. 6570 (and Intel) are more seamless when dealing with 3D Blu-ray content and refresh rate switching.
I do not prefer the 6570 in the following circumstances:
1. There is the issue of certain types of recorded TV content that switch between hard and soft telecine modes (aka 29/59 frame rate issue). I find that the GT 430 performs best in this regard. 6570 will have a bit more judder with this content and Intel will have a bit more artifacts.
2. When stopping content playback in WMC, there is a momentary white distortion that displays in the top of the screen on some pixels. This actually isn’t a big deal at all, but I wish it did not do that.
Again, these are my preferences and observations in this particular configuration. I am also a “videophile” sort and things that I notice are not always noticeable by more casual viewers such as my lovely wife.
Aaron Ledger
“Viewing or Listening Conflict” overlay is normal to see for between about 30 seconds to 2 minutes after rebooting or resuming from sleep.
“Service is Unavailable” overlay is not normal to see in this case that you describe. You may have a bad CableCARD or CableCARD with old firmware. I suggest you first obtain a replacement CableCARD from Comcast. You should just be able to tell them you are seeing some strange behavior and want to swap out your CableCARD. You will need to go through an activation once you receive the new CableCARD so that it is properly paired with your InfiniTV.
Aaron Ledger
If you can provide the exact message WMC displays when this happens, maybe we can help to see what is happening.
Aaron Ledger
Once paired, there is no reason to fear that the CableCARD will lose the pairing with your tuner. Also, you should be able to run the TV setup in WMC anytime the urge strikes without worry. I have done it hundreds of times. You should never have to unplug your CableCARD or get a “usual” no tuner message.
Aaron Ledger
Unfortunately, I have never taken to learning much about MCML other than looking through the paltry SDK/documentation that MS made available. IIRC, I haven’t seen any other developers use the exact color fill type of scheme you are going for. I think you can essentially do what you are trying to do with a WMC button style which gives that highlighted, 3D effect instead of the color fill you are going for.
Aaron Ledger
No problem. Good luck with the ActionTec units and let us know how they work for you.
It appears that the units come with coax terminators for cases where the internal diplexer is not being used. I definitely recommend using them if not using those ports. Termination should be used on any wall outlet/splitter port etc. that is not directly connected to some piece of receiving/transmitting equipment. This prevents signal ingress/egress and provides proper impedance matching for the line which are all good things. In case you need more, they are inexpensive e.g. here’s a pack of 10 for $5.
Aaron Ledger
You should also be able to achieve a similar result by disabling dynamic contrast in the NVIDIA control panel. In fact, all three GPU vendors have a similar feature and will benefit by disabling the feature. Of course, if you are a fan of the feature, you can adjust the nominal range in WMC to help fix the flashing/strobing that occurs when the video is switching telecine modes (aka 29/59 switch).
To answer your question on Intel’s refresh rate precision. Both SNB and IVB platforms achieve something like 23.973 (23.976 is the target) which is about as good or better than NVIDIA cards I have tested with OOTB driver settings. I have read reports of Clarkdale also being addressed.
Aaron Ledger
Yes. You can do that. I have many Ethernet devices plugged into both sides of my MoCA bridges and they can all communicate with each other as if they were plugged into the same switch.
Regarding security, if the units do not support encryption, you can physically make your network secure by placing a filter that blocks out frequencies above 1GHz at the cable drop. You just need to make sure that your MoCA adapters are communicating at frequencies above 1GHz to be secure. Here’s an example of a filter that is designed for this.
Aaron Ledger
Can you provide a model# and/or link to the FiOS equipment you are referring to?
Aaron Ledger
uATX PSU usually means SFX or Flex ATX.