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Go to Media Center > Settings > General > Automatic Download Options > Download Now. When complete you’ll need to restart Media Center
Way past that point. That was the first thing I did when it didn’t show up. Tried it 3 times and even rebooted each time just in case. And since it’s been a couple days now, it’s done its regularly scheduled daily update as well. No dice.
ParticipantI’m a fan of and have watched all of both shows as well, and don’t think there’s any comparison to be made. The only thing both of these shows have in common is mobsters. That being said, I still recommend you go back and watch Sopranos since it’s likely you would enjoy it as well, but it definitely is a different type of show than Boardwalk. Mike summed it up pretty well.
Unrelated side note: I was in Atlantic City a few weeks ago and stayed at Resorts, which is totally milking the popularity of Boardwalk Empire. They re-branded the whole place with a 20’s era theme (though I believe Resorts was actually built in the 20s). The valets and bellhops have awesome outfits 😉
[quote=Mike Garcen]
well that’s the problem, i don’t have any box it’ll fit…so what do i do?
Put it on the stand. Wrap it in packing/moving blankets. Put it between 2 boxes as big/bigger than the TV. Put some other boxes between the big boxes so they don’t move against the TV and fill the voids with more blankets. Strap the two big boxes in good. You’ll be fine …. barring, we’ll …. bad road mishaps.
I moved in December and this is exactly how the moving company packed my 50″ plasma.
Amazon cancelled my order “due to lack of availability”.
Yep, mine too. I was expecting it, just didn’t know when. Already ordered the Hauppauge anyway.
ParticipantSo, when can we expect these to be canceled? I don’t recall what the actual date was listed as for the pre-order to be available. I know it’s gotta be in the next week or so.
Participant[quote][quote]To me, Media Center has always felt like a “gadget” added to Windows, and in the past has been treated sort of like the illigitimate son. Just look at the slow acceptance of Media Center into the common “living room”. It’s getting better with the xBox as an extender, but Microsoft just doesn’t seem to be pushing it that much. I know several people with xBox’s that didn’t even know they could stream media from another computer to their TV’s with it
Again its not just Media Center, its the acceptance factor of having a computer control your TV or just the higher up front costs. I know my parents wouldn’t fork over the kind of money I did just to be able to watch and record tv like I do.[/quote]
Funny, the lack of up-front cost was a big part of why I went with windows media center. Over the years of being an HTPC enthusiast, it became increasingly cost prohibitive for me to maintain both a main computer and a separate HTPC. I’d already ditched cable TV. I realized that I could just save myself the trouble and let my main rig do double duty. 7MC was already part of my existing OS (so could be considered free of cost). The only true up front cost was for a tuner card and antenna, which combined only cost just slightly more than the lowest cable TV package I could buy would cost for one month. I also already owned an xbox, so there was no cost for extender capabilities.
This lets me backup my Firefox bookmarks
I’m addicted to xmarks (formerly foxmarks). And now that it’s not just for firefox anymore, I never have to worry about bookmarks again.
ParticipantI do in a clean install and use Win7’s backup and restore to put my old files on my new drive.
ParticipantStill crossing my fingers that the Prime will be available around the same time I do my new build. Thanks to the Sandy Bridge recall that got put off a couple months.
ParticipantI just watched this last night. Really interested in seeing the backstory of some of the characters. For instance, the guy who has his leg in a splint in Blood & Sand who’s sort of Batiatus’s right hand man (Ashur)… now we get to see him as a gladiator. Also, waiting for pretty boy Gannicus to die horribly haha. Need me some Crixus. Though good god I wish they’d cut his hair.
ParticipantSame to you!
Happy holidays everyone 🙂
ParticipantIs there a way to disable rich-text permanently? It’s annoying having to click on the link every time I want to post something. It’d be nice if it was an option we could toggle.
ParticipantI’ve been trying to get bluetooth caller ID for many years now (pretty much the entire time I’ve been an HTPC enthusiast). Various developers have given me complicated reasons why it can’t be done on Windows, which I can’t understand since Macs have been able to do it forever. There are plenty of solutions for PC through a modem though.
ParticipantHUGE sig issue still hasn’t gone away. It seems that the sig it shows for the comments threaded view in news posts is different from the sig it shows in forums (how the hell?). It’s showing my old sig (with image tag) in the comments view, which ends up all huge and overlapped. Meanwhile, the edited version (just text, small) shows up fine in the forums. HELP
ParticipantSo it took forever for me to load pages on the site tonight, been trying for hours. Now that it’s back and speedy again, it seems like I’m on a backup or something… my HUGE sig is back! Trying to fix it again.