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OF COURSE! I was replacing the images in “C:ProgramDataYammmImagesMovieArtwork” and it wasn’t working. I wasn’t sure if I there was another file I needed to replace or what. Thanks Phil and Michael!
What purpose does C:ProgramDataYammmImagesMovieArtwork serve if WMC uses images from C:ProgramDataYammmDvdCoverCache?
Just curious.
The MovieArtwork is a bug…well it is meant for MyMediaCenter only. The DvdCoverCache is a cache for Windows Media Center
Hi Buddy
I had the same problem with some movies pulling in foreign covers, I used to just replace the folder.jpg and it would work but as you have also discovered it now doesn’t seem to work. You may want to try this, it worked for me.
Find the artwork you want to use, save it to your desktop as folder.jpg (I then right click the new jpg and change properties to ‘hidden’)
Then move this file to the relevant movie folder which will overwrite the folder.jpg currently there.
Then go to C:ProgramDataYammmDvdCoverCache (you may need to enable the view for hidden files in folder and search options.
Locate the artwork that is being used in media center (that you have just overwritten with your own) and delete it. Restart media center and your new artwork should now appear.
Thats how I’ve done it but there may be a quicker way, I only replaced a few so didn’t take long – may be different if you want to change a lot
** Just had a thought – I had mine set up to not download the original artwork prior to resizing so not sure if having a ‘folder.original.jpg’ in the movie folder would affect my way of doing it.
That should work. I’ll update so it syncs the file across if you do replace folder.jpg
file art still not working for me
You have Folder art enabled? (It is disabled by default). Are the folders being renamed? Is the dvdid.xml file being generated?
Can you check %ProgramData%Yammm folder and see if the Cache and Images subfolders have content in them
ParticipantYes tmdb and imdb tags work again
Noticed that the new xml files in the DvdInfoCache directory contain only 1 genre listing although 2 or more are given on the tmdb movie listing site (the old YAMMM XML files contained multiple genres in the ‘categories’ field). Media Browser shows updated info from the new YAMMM xml files (eg tmdb ratings have replaced imdb ratings) but still shows multiple genres! Will sorting programs find multiple genres for a given movie or will they only find the new single genre listed in the YAMMM xml file?
I found Media Center itself handles single Genre listings better than Multiple. Having multiple can cause Media Center’s Movie Library to jump around and perform poorly.
Media Browser support is done but not well tested. I’m going to install over the weekend so if you can wait until that is released it should handle multiple genres better and have additional information when used with Media Browser.
ParticipantI got it, thanks!
I’ll be using the data this weekend to test and try to finish TV support.
Ok…so I’m probably a little slow but before when I first got Yammm it would put the dvd artwork on the folder and on the file inside the folder…it is no longer putting the artwork on the file in the folder it is only putting the artwork on the folder itself…is this a setting or does it not do that anymore…appreciate all you have done so if its not supposed to do this anymore dont worry about it I am just curious thanx
That is off by default. I probably didn’t test it though. Do you have “Download file artwork” enabled?
Is this for Yammm standalone? If so, could you be give more detailed instructions?
Thank you!
Yes for standalone. Instructions below. When typing commands just type the bolded.
1- Hit Windows key + R to bring up the run dialog
2- Type cmd and enter
3- Type cd /d <full path to your movie folder>
i.e. cd /d D:VideosMovies
4- Type dir /b /s > tv_list.txt this will create a text file named tv_list.txt
5- E-mail me tv_list.txt
Let me know if this helps
ParticipantI’m about to board a plane but wanted to say thanks for all the comments. I really didn’t think many people still used Yammm. Glad to see it is.
Please send feature requests if you have them. The next two features being released are Media Browser support and TV support.
Newest version fixed the yammmconfig not saving for me
Great, thanks for the following up and letting me know.
Do we have to delete the old images that were created by the old Yammm?
Nope. As long as you have download folder artwork enabled it will now save them in a cache folder that is used by Windows Media Center.
Just installed on main htpc windows 7 x64 ,Much Much better.ALL GOOD 🙂
Now how to install on 2nd htpc and make that a client( local database only)
Wait until the next build, it won’t be very long. I’m adding an option for sharing the local cache to clients.
Anyone know why mine won’t install with error “YAMMM for (x64) Windows 7 can only be installed on Windows 7″…that is exactly what I am running.
Do you have SP1 installed? I may have a check for that as well.
ParticipantHas anyone with a large collection noticed an improvement with the image rendering within Windows Media Center? It should be noticably faster.
ParticipantTwo things:
1- For those without any metadata showing in Windows Media Center.
This is most likely due to multiple dvdid.xml files within your Movie folders. If this happens you’ll need to delete on.
I would just delete them all and restart Yammm but you may want some of the metadata depending on previous apps used.
If you do want to clear all of it…you can run the below command from your movie folder
del /s *.dvdid.xml
net stop YammmSvc && net start YammmSvc
2- I’m traveling tomorrow so if I’m slow to respond, I apologize.