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Gotcha. I still may give 8.1 a shot to play with. Too bad the extender option has some issues.
Happy Holidays to you Michael and all the MR crew!
I use an xbox 360 on a second TV from time to time…do they still work as extenders via Win 8.1 or are they only supported in Win7?
Thanks Michael!
Pricing info? Looks sa-weet!
Great…that’s nice to hear that it will work down the list if the tuner is reporting no signal. Time to fire that up, thanks!
[quote=Aaron Ledger]
You should also be able to achieve a similar result by disabling dynamic contrast in the NVIDIA control panel.
That was the first thing I tried, but unfortunately that didn’t work for me, or a number of other folks on the Nvidia forums. In the past when I’ve seen the dynamic contrast problem, it’s like a black frame was inserted in the stream. This problem was more of a white flicker.
But the above registry change did the trick. Thanks for the Intel info. I’m waiting for the i7-3770T to be generally available and then I’ll probably pull the NVIDIA card out.
[/quote]Same thing for me (IGP 9300), my only workaround was the added registry entry, now works just fine. Anything >296.10 had that problem for me persistent through the latest 301.42.
I’ll bite if the first doesn’t go through.
Wow, that’s a whole lot of info to digest, thanks for the input. So does this mean that if you calibrate using a static bitmap reference pattern vs a reference pattern in a video playback that the color space could be different? I will play around with all the options and see how it all looks, thanks!
Thanks Aaron. That’s how I have it going now, plus it was a warm fuzzy feeling when I saw the DTS-HD light up for the first time
Probably the easiest and least hassle option is to get a nice standalone BD player for upstairs. Panasonic players are rock-solid, I’ve used multiple generations of them, and Panasonic continues to support their players for firmware fixes long after they’ve been replaced with newer models. Their 2011 models have all streaming features you could want (Hulu Plus, Netflix, Pandora, Amazon Instant, etc.) they also support basic DLNA features if you end up wanting to go the NAS route at some point. Go with the DMP-BDT110 if you have Ethernet wired upstairs, if not the DMP-BDT210 is the step up with Wi-Fi built in. Both go on sale pretty frequently at Fry’s (if you have one nearby) and on Amazon.
Probably the easiest and least hassle option is to get a nice standalone BD player for upstairs. Panasonic players are rock-solid, I’ve used multiple generations of them, and Panasonic continues to support their players for firmware fixes long after they’ve been replaced with newer models. Their 2011 models have all streaming features you could want (Hulu Plus, Netflix, Pandora, Amazon Instant, etc.) they also support basic DLNA features if you end up wanting to go the NAS route at some point. Go with the DMP-BDT110 if you have Ethernet wired upstairs, if not the DMP-BDT210 is the step up with Wi-Fi built in. Both go on sale pretty frequently at Fry’s (if you have one nearby) and on Amazon.
I went with the DMP-BDT210. So small, light, and fast!
I felt like an idiot since it took me 20 minutes to get DTS-HD to my AVR, since the documentation was pretty weak (high clarity sound, seriously?) and I since I haven’t used a stand-alone player (well, never for a BR) the audio menu settings are not that clear to me.
In that same thought, is it better to pass on 8 channel PCM from the BR player to the AVR or (from what it looks like in the settings) bitstream the HD audio to the AVR so the pretty red lights turn on?
Very happy with this guy, thanks!
I having very similar problems in my setup. I too run WMC all the time and leave the HTPC up and running when I power down. I run into the issue with the handshake problem as well. Very interested to find out what your solution ends up being, as it is a nightmare for the WAF.
I think there are two many variables (AVR/video card) for a panacea outside of a secondary HDMI switch, so my best advice is to make sure your video card drivers are good to go (this is what helped me out with the NVIDA issue…I have a 9300 chipset that took over 18 months to finally get an updated driver set that didn’t BSOD on me…fixed in the 290.XX FINALLY!). Then look an moninfo (pretty easy to try)…I’ve never used HDMI-yo. If you have an AVR in between, sending a component switch (to another input, then back to your HTPC) also seems to work most of the time. Keep WAF high bra!
The xbox extender gets me 80% there, as I do have a lot of content on my NAS accessible for playback through the 7MC interface, have all my TV content…that’s why I’m sort of leaning towards the standalone as at least a temporary plan. I haven’t really gotten into ripping BR ISOs yet, but if that was the only missing piece, I’m assuming there is a format ISO, BDMV that I could use on my primary HTPC and also through a small appliance like popcorn hour.
Good info, thanks Matt…I will look into those Pannys!
Gotcha, and thanks. That’s what I figured that it would take 2 different flavors. Is the BDMV format just the main movie content? There are so many options with ClownBD (unless there is something else I could use instead). Are their other extender-esque devices that do play nice with archived BluRay?
Well I blame this on my eight year-old, who has suddenly become a BluRay snob. I’m not sure there is a single format solution, since the goal would be playback on my main HTPC (TMT5/7MC) and also out to an xbox 360 extender. Most of my stored video content I have as either MP4 or M2TS, which has worked really well. The downside to the MP4 is the lack of 6-channel AAC via the extender, but for the main HTPC its fine. So now with the BluRay content, I played around with ClownBD and saw lots of options (including M2TS), but I’m not sure if I could still get the best of both worlds…i.e. PCM on my main HTPC and the same content (lossless is fine) to the extender.
I have these issues too. Sporadic at times, so hard to pinpoint. I’m not sure how having an AVR in the middle of this adds to the confusion to the resolution issues.