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I think I may have figured it out. I restored last nights backup and started over with the shark007 method. I’ve been able to get both MP4 and VC-1 encoded MKVs to play with HW acceleration so CPU usage is down around 10-20%. I am still having issues with the surround sound, I need to do more tests but it seems that if I rip the MKV with both the HD and regular DTS sound track, the decoder can’t seem to figure out which one to use and outputs 2ch. I’ll let you know what I find. Thanks for the help.
Still no joy. It is only the VC-1 BD have have the hi CPU and slight stuttering issue. Is there a setting in WMP to use HW acceleration? Or maybe one in FFDShow?? I can’t seem to find them.
Ok… I’ll give that a try. Forbidden Planet is VC-1 and has rather hi CPU as well. Not as bad as Mask though. Will advise as to the AMD codec pack.
AMD Athalon 5600+, ATI 5450 HDMI to Tv. The file is stored on WHS2 Gig-E network connections all around.
Total Recall I is VC-1 as well (I think) and seems to play fine.
Thanks Aaron. I’ve done a little more playing around with MakeMKV, I’ve been de-selecting all the audio tracks except DTS-3/2 and I think I have FFDShow’s audio set correctly as the 5 or so that I have ripped in the last 3 hours are coming through with DTS sound.
However, one rip I have done, The Mask, seems to be using quite a bit of CPU power and is stuttering. Others such as Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Total Recall are playing fine, CPU is between 30-50%. The Mask Runs between 80-100%. I’ve re-ripped 3 times and it still has hi CPU usage. I can’t seem to figure out why.
QAM = digital cable. Most QAM tuners such as the Hauppauge 1850 record only unencrypted QAM which generally limits you to your local channels. I thought at at one point Verizon sent all of their channels in the clear, but that might have changed, or I might be mistaken, so there’s a risk for this type of tuner. On the other hand, they’re inexpensive.
DCT = Digital Cable Card Tuner. This is the only type of tuner that can decrypt encrypted cable channels (encrypted QAM).
Hope that helps.
I am not sure about all Verizon areas, but, I just installed a 2nd Ceton tuner card. I do not have the cable card from Verizon for it yet (placed the order today, scheduled for friday afternoon). I set everything up and tried to tune a local channel but, No Joy. So it would appear that even the local channels are blocked on the Ceton card.
Several years ago I tried a tuner that I have for my laptop that does ATSC (off the air) and clear QAM and it was able to tuner the local channels and the music choice channels surpizingly. Might be that the Ceton needs a cable card to work period.
I second TMT for BD playback. You may also need AnyDVDHD to crack DRM.
Mikinho would be the best source for the intricacies of the Ceton turner.
But, I have mine installed in my WHS 2011 box. My HTPCs wake up to record, they record to their assigned internal HD and then then transfer the recording to the WHS Recorded TV directory, then I can watch on any PC or stream via remote web access.
From what I recall my old WHSv1 installed a plugin to MC that gave me 2 extra start menu links for my main MC menu, one to see basic WHS stats the other for setting up the recorded TV transfer service(enabled or disabled). Since I have moved to WHS 2011 the main link is gone, but the recorded TV tansfer link is still there and it works, recorded shows get sent to the WHS recorded TV directory just as before after the recording is complete on the HTPC.
I have never mapped the WHS recorded Tv directory as a network drive and tried to record directly to that so I’m not sure it will work.
I don’t use extenders so I can’t comment on waking up the HTPC when then extender wants to use a tuner.
I do know that the ceton tuner does not dynamically allocate tuners to clients. You must assign the specific tuner/s to a client and that is it. The new Ceton provided WMC plugin is smart enough to know that you have already allocated a tuner to another client and will not make it available when you are trying to set up other clients.
If I am understanding what you’re asking correctly, it seems like you want to be able to use the Centon card for both HTPCs and extenders.
An extender would require an operating copy of WMC running at all times if I’m correct. So using some sort of VWare software to operate a virtual W7MC machine inside your WHS 2011 system that has however many tuners for the number of extenders want to use assigned to it might fit the bill.
Again, Mikinho would be the best source of info to set up that sort of system.
I have a fairly simple set up. 2 HTPCs and a WHS 2011 box with the Ceton card installed and networked. Each HTPC is assigned 2 tuners so I can watch and record at the same time on both HTPCs.
Good luck with your set up.
I bought some on the orriginal offer, one was DOA! I’ll stick w/ WD & Seagate.
If you are using TMT you have to not only have hardware acceleration checked in the stand alone player from the desktop, but also in the one launched from inside WMC if you are using TMT from inside WMC. They use separate executable files that don’t share settings. Right click while playing a video and go to the settings menu. This bit me when I was first trying to get it running, everything was fine in the stand alone player but was choppy with 100% CPU usage when TMT was launched from inside WMC.
Far too advanced for me. I followed that guide and it’s working great. I want to resync ever hour because there are days when the HTPCs are only on for a few hours. This way I won’t overload an internet NTP server and since I only have 5 PCs in the house I shouldn’t be overloading my WHS. Thanks for the tips though.
What kind of router? Is it just a typical home router like a D-Link??
I have a WHS. What if I follow this Wiki??
Goto this thread
Back up yor registry and apply the registry edits.
You’re great. That did the trick. It even fixed my issue of WMP being adjusted perfectly while TMT3 was too dark. Everything, ripped DVD’s, recorded TV, live TV and BlueRays (TMT3) all look as close to perfect as I can get without $$$ test equipment.
Thanks again.