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Ok, so parts have started arriving. Some good news, I was able to up my SSD to a 64GB unit. Looks like I may be waiting until next week to see my case, but that’s ok, no rush. I also had to change the mobo, due to the one I listed was “discontinued” and I couldn’t be bothered to try and track one down. I decided to order this:
It’s an MSI board similar to the ASRock B75M I was going to get. Also, to my suprise, the ceton infiniTV 4 quad tuner card I got came with a Rosewill RHRC-120001 Media Center Remote, , for free, so that was nice too.
I also added a logitech k400 keyboard w/ an integrated touchpad:
I can’t wait for all this to get here and finally put it together. I’m jonsing real bad…….
Being a budget build, I will have to look into this further. Anyone ever get a “refurbished” SSD from New Egg? I was wondering how that might work out.
I get that, but it’s a $30-40 difference and the trade-off is that you’ll be able to put more than just the OS on it. 32 isn’t big enough, 40 is really tight, 60 is OK, I don’t use anything < 90 (but I like to install apps that most people won’t).
I understand that, however, the other pieces that you don’t have are the Ceton InfiniTV4 tuner card ($200) that I will also need to purchase, as well as the need to purchase a new reciever, as mine is making a popping noise and going into safe mode periodically. (It’s a 10 year old Sony unit, so it has served me well). So the $30-$50 extra will actually break the bank on this one.
RAM: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600)
Get DDR3 1600. This is easy enough
Main HDD:SanDisk 32GB SATA III Internal Solid State Drive
I’d get at least a 60GB. Being a budget build, I will have to look into this further. Anyone ever get a “refurbished” SSD from New Egg? I was wondering how that might work out.
(i know this one is going to sound dumb) Does the HDMI port on a mobo supply sound like a regular HDMI from say a DVD player?
Ok, so, surprise, surprise, things didn’t work out as planned for my build last year. Go figure, right? Anywho, I am going to get to move forward shortly with my build, though a little less aggressive on the modification of an old stereo unit as a home base. Just to ensure I’m still on the right track, I’ve updated my list of supplies for my first HTPC build. Let me know if I missed anything essential:
CPU: Intel Pentium G620 Sandy Bridge 2.6GHz
RAM: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600)
Main HDD:SanDisk 32GB SATA III Internal Solid State Drive
Storage HDD (already own): Western Digital Red 1TB
Blu Ray Player: LG
PS (already purchased):Antec EarthWatts Green EA-380D Green 380W
UPS:CyberPower Intelligent LCD Series 600W
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
Case:SILVERSTONE Black Aluminum / Steel Lascala Series
So, there it is. Now, the 1TB drive is my first drive. Next year I’m going to expand to 2 WD Red 3TB drives in a raid configuration for more storage and data security. I’ll take any and all feedback. I have just two questions:
Is the SSD @ 32GB storage, enough to run windows and some other light programs?
(i know this one is going to sound dumb) Does the HDMI port on a mobo supply sound like a regular HDMI from say a DVD player?
I want to make sure I don’t miss anything. I am going to hook this up to my reciever and wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t need any additional wires/connections to ensure the sound is pumped through the reciever. Ok, that’s it for now. FIRE AWAY!!!
Thanks Aaron. I did read the article you linked to, but was still mildly confused a some things. Like SDV? what is SDV and why would I want/not want it?
So, with a quad tuner card, i could record 4 shows at once? Or, record 3 shows and watch the 4th live?
[quote=Aaron Ledger]
BTW, I should point out that in the board I recommended, I am not sure that the Intel board will send audio via DVI to HDMI adapter, so if HDMI audio is a requirement for you, you are probably better off with the ASUS or step up to an Intel DH67BL.
Quad Tuner simply means four tuners in the device. In other words, the device can tune four different cable channels simultaneously. This article may be helpful to you.
Thanks Aaron. I did read the article you linked to, but was still confused by a few things. So with a quad tuner, I could potentially record 4 shows at once? Or record 3 shows while watching a 4th live?
Also, I’m going to need a cableCARD device. I looked through the posts in that section, but this is totally new to me. Not sure what “quad tuner” means? Since I’m trying to stay in a budget, is this a better option for me?
OK. So here is my new system specs. What do you think?
Another question. All the motherboard choices do NOT have an onboard video chipset, but DO have an HDMI output. Does this mean I need to buy a video card?
Crim, didn’t realize I picked outdated hardware. I just did a few search parameters in new egg and that was what came up (AMD), so I picked a few options. Since Intel is the “on top” company right now, I’ll look into that instead.
Josh Shenkle, Thanks. Again, Intel seems the way most people are leaning, so I will look into it. Not against intel at all. As for the ram, I’ll probably start with 4 then and up to 8 at a later date, or if I see there is an issue with something.
Aaron Ledger, Thanks for the tip on PS. I wasn’t sure, since the only thing I’ve built over the past 8 years is 2 gaming rigs, where more power is better. Right now planning on running the onboard audio/video, since they seem to be pretty good. I may upgrade to something else later, not sure. Also, I’m not limited by form factor either. With the build I will be able to use a standard size board, if this will be better, let me know.
PAPutzback, I have sworn by ASUS for years and it has never let me down. Over the past 10 or so years, 3 gaming computer builds, each build lasting around 5 years before needing an upgrade, I have NEVER had an issue with my ASUS boards. I would highly recommend this brand.
Thanks all for the help so far. A little more information, I am currently running a 5.1 surround set up through my dated A/V receiver. Would using the onboard audio be an upgrade to sound quality for me? My receiver is about 10 years old and does NOT have an HDMI port on it. I’ve never had an issue with it, but do I really need one with going to an HTPC? Also, if I don’t, how would I hook them up to the computer, as these are wire only speakers, meaning I plug 2 wires into the back of the speaker and 2 wires into the back of the receiver. Would I need new wires with the correct “plugs” on the ends? or is there something out there that is PnP that would accept this set up?