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Ive had my card for better part of a year now with it is happing more lately,about once every 3 day. i dont have SDV in vegas and i only watch copy freely, we dont subscribe to showtime, HBO ect.
looking in the tuner logs but like you said not sure how to read for the error to help with reporting a bug, but can confirm it is happening.
edit: i have 2 cards now
welchwerksThis has happened to me as well. I plan to also file a bug report with ceton when it happens again
welchwerksI wanted to add that i also manually applied the firewall ports on client and server
welchwerksWOW that was great, script was the perfect fit.
no mas WMC on my concurrent RDP of HTPC
Thank you
welchwerksthanks for the script , i get on it soon and report results
welchwerks[quote=Mike Garcen]
not sure i’m following…why would you want to do this at all?
yes im ussing concurrent sessions and
the idea is that i would be able to work on htpc without MC starting up
welchwerksThanks, for the confermation, ceton pcie in 08 R2 and network sharing them to the VM. next time i do a bare metal ill be giving it a try.
welchwerksThanks andrew,
that was it works great just some teeking for each shows commercials example Rizzoli & Isles the 3rd commercial is not skipped
O.K. Got it…
On a W7 Ult. VM running DVRMS and Show Analyzer
DVRMS setting are:
prefered analyzer set to = automatic
File watcher = set to watch recorded TV folder \ServerNameRecorded_TV
commercial skip path set to + a folder named \ServerNameRecorded_TVCommercialXML CommercialXML —‘that i created in the WHS 2011 Recorded TV folder”—Show Analyser:
under settings,
Scheduler = i enabled Directory watcher then a little lower i identified the TV directory to watch
Output tab = set the where to the folder on server \ServernameCommercialXML just above that i set it to “LIVE” and everything else below to “NEVER”
On Queue tab = started directory watcher and at the bottom of that area i ran Analyze nowNow on the Client that i wanted to watch the commercial skipping shows on :
i ran DTB http://babgvant.com/…entry20437.aspx
Andy did mention you could just run DTB add in. which i may try just to reduce total volume size with
prefered Analyzer = to be Showanalyzer
output directory = \servernamerecordedTvcommercialXML
file watcher = \servernamerecorded_tvmy client HTPC for this has a OCZ 50GB SSD OS and a 500GB Drive for recorded TV till being moved to server at midnight by WMC ” i will probably make it direct to server but its a nice backup plan when i take server offline ” very cool since i havent had this working when i switched the whole house to 64bit and windows 7
Make sure all folder are shared,
I’m sure i will still have to fine tune some of the shows “skip points” but this is at least doing all the CPU intensive work on the VM and not on my HTPC while im watching a show
at some point ill share my ceton tuners with the VM and do the recording on it as well or try a silicon dust network tuner at some point
If your PC is setup to share public folders you just need to configure the client PCs to use the CommericalsXML folder on the main box, if it’s not share the folder first then setup the client.
O.K. i catching on..
so if i am running DVRMS and SA on my VM and it is sending the XML files to a folder in Recorded TV called commercialXML on WHS 2011 that folder must be shared with the remote HTPC/Extender.
now on the HTPC do i need to have DVRMS installed or SA or nothing to enable the skipping, to clarify.. what is using the xml on the remote HTPC
welchwerksthe short answer is
that although i get the xml,txt,VIH files in the same folder as the WTV shows when i stream them to my HTPC thet dont auto skip
do you have an updated step by step setup i can review for accuracy of my current setup