Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard
Engadget has the skinny on the new super skinny & sleek Logitech diNovo Edget Keyboard. Just looking at this thing makes me drool. Too bad I've used my MCE Keyboard all of once, or it might motivate me to get this thing. Then again, $60 (for the MCE one) is a lot different than the MSRP of $200 for this bad boy.
"The new diNovo Edge (which runs on Bluetooth, of course) finally fixes
some of the long standing issues we've had with the keyboard, including
having an integrated battery (plus dock / charging cradle, much like
Logitech's mice have long since had — a single charge should
supposedly last two months), light-up function keys that show which key
mode you're in"
Read the rest Here.