Sony Pictures’ first 50GB Blu-ray releases coming soon

Sony will start releasing their first 50 GB movies next week. Click will be the first title announced but details on what will be crammed into the 50 GB monsters is not yet known. Black Hawk Down and Talladega Nights will be the next two movies to follow. Black Hawk Down will feature "Blu-wizard" that will allow you to customize how you see scenes.
From the article:
Blu-ray supporters will be getting a shot in the arm next week when Click
becomes the first Sony Pictures Home Entertainment movie released on 50GB
dual-layer Blu-ray discs. We got tipped by an inside source at Sony to expect
announcements tomorrow regarding Click's
release on October 10th — with all the features of the standard DVD plus
bonus HD features — followed by Black Hawk Down November 14th and Talladega
Nights on December 12th. Black Hawk Down is said to include "Blu-wizard"
technology that will allow viewers to customize how they see special scenes. The
high-def DVD war really begins in November, between the Xbox
360 HD DVD player, Black Hawk Down & Fox's
Blu-ray Java releases plus a little something called the Playstation 3, that magnetic
strip on your credit card may be the first casualty.