XLobby Partners with Calrad Electronics…Development to Ramp Up
Steven Hanna at XLobby has announced that Calrad Electronics will be partnering with XLobby. They have hired Steven to resume development of the product and will be releasing a commercial version of XLobby in the future. Much speculation is going on over at the XLobby forums about what will happen over the coming months. Beta versions w/ expiration dates will continue to be published on the XLobby website until the final commercial product is ready for launch.
The immediate plans are that the existing version of Xlobby will remain Freeware for a limited time. The future versions of Xlobby is going commercial. We will create several versions of the software for different market's. New features and scale ability will be built-in. The new Core components will support commercial RS232, IR communication as well as a host of new features and emerging control technologies. Calrad's 40-WACI a IP based controller will become a important link between the control software and physical world in which we need to communicate and interface with. More detailed information will be posted when available.
-Calrad Electronics
"In fact, as a show of good will Calrad has already started giving me a salary without even selling one copy of xlobby. For the next few months I will be working on xlobby and the website to bring it up to a state where people will want to buy it. I want to make one thing very clear, we aren’t going to start selling this any time soon, Calrad realizes that bugs need to be fixed, documentation has to be written up, and some real basic features have to be added. Once we are comfortable with its state then we will began selling it. So during this transition period of time Calrad has agreed to keep everything free and open to the public" -Steven Hanna
You can read the press release here and Steven's statement here.