Michael Gartenberg: DVR Request

Michael G., an avid DVR user, has a pretty simple request. Let's have the ability to record an entire season of an episode. While there is no direct selection method currently, it certainly is easier on a Media Center PC that designates shows new vs reruns. By recording all new shows you should be able to do this. The couple of cable DVRs I have used are not at all well suited for this type of activity, and I have no idea about TiVo.

Michael Gartenberg

What I want is to be able to start recording a series and tell the DVR to record every episode of a given season and then to sort them, not on the day they were recorded on the DVR but rather, on the day they were broadcast. The guide would be smart enough to fill in episodes as they are shown, no matter when they are shown. All this info is readily available (I can even see in most DVR guides the original broadcast date but can't sort on it.)