Alienware Hangar18 HD Gets Reviewed by Computer Shopper


This style of HTPC personally doesn’t fit my needs, but I’m sure there’s a target out there. I think there’s too many other OEM’s that are building equally (or more) capable HTPC systems for far less…just without that cool Alienware glowing logo. I don’t know about you guys, but my girlfriend definitely would not approve of a glowing alien in my home theater rack…let alone for $3000!

Computer Shopper

 Don’t confuse the Hangar18 with a computer that has slapped-on video capability. Designed specifically for use in your media cabinet, it doesn’t even have a keyboard. Instead, you get a Gyration Remote, which is like a standard remote control that can work as a mouse by waving it in the air. It’s an infrared (IR) device that uses a USB dongle, and you can use it to do everything that needs doing in Vista Home Premium’s Media Center program to control multimedia playback. If you must have a keyboard, an optional one is available that works off the same dongle.