HTPC Tip Of The Day: I have a TiVo but want an HTPC too!


There are a lot of folks out there who simply do not want to give up their TiVo or cable co. PVR. The reasons for this are many including potential to damage the WAF and you simply can’t record all the channels available to you. Well fear not, there are ways that your TiVo and HTPC can coexist. Let’s face it, the TiVo does PVR very well, so let’s concentrate on other areas that your future HTPC can excel at.

1. DVD Library

All major software programs offer a couple of different ways to implement a DVD library of ripped DVDs. An example of this would be My Movies for Vista Media Center. Most DVD library options allow you to edit metadata and provide some sort of scraper system to get information of the internet.


2. Music Library

Tired of shuffling CDs? Well why not rip your CD collection to your computer and use a 10′ UI to access your new digital library.



3. Blu-ray Player

The cost of getting into the high-def DVD market is only a couple of hundred dollars now with prices falling every day. Though integration is not seamless, program’s like ArcSoft’s TotalMedia Theater do a pretty good job.

4. Netflix

There are plugins available for most software packages now. If you don’t have it recorded, there is a pretty good chance you will find it on Watch Now on Netflix. As well, you can adjust your Netflix queue. 


These are just three of the many options available to get the most out of your HTPC. I recommend taking a look at the Top Ten Things You Can Do With A Media Center PC for more ideas on what you can do with an HTPC.