Entertainment 2.0-Episode 43: Why Aren’t HTPCs Mainstream?

Another great podcast from the gang at TheDigitalMediaZone, this week up they have our very own Andrew Van Til (babgvant) as well as Brent from Geektonic up, to discuss the current state of HTPCs. It seems like we have this discussion every couple of years, but usually not when Microsoft is releasing a new OS….could it be because of a lackluster release offering this go’round?


This time we step away from discussing the latest Media Center news and even expand the show for the week to talk less about Media Center specifically and more about HTPCs in general. For Episode 43, Josh and I are joined by Andy VanTil, creator of DVR-MS Toolbox and Brent Evans of Geektonic to try and figure out why HTPCs haven’t taken off considering the value they add to people’s media enjoyment.