WD TV HD Media Player Hacked and Put to Good Use


Now we’re talking! Let all these guys compete with each other on standard features, but let the geeks hack it and add whatever they want to it! Smart call if you’re the manufacturer…just look at how many routers Linksys has sold strictly because they allowed this type of activity.



I’ve been hearing the quiet rumblings of people hacking their WD TV HD Media Player and making it do all sorts of wild things done typically with an HTPC. So, I decided to do some investigating. It turns out you can now add a WDLXTV firmware and then load it with the OptWare package (originally created for the NSLU2-Linux platform) in order to install / enable SSH, FTP, UPnP, USB hub support, Samba, and other exciting features from its available catalog of ~1300 apps. Not bad for a roughly $99 product