1. Review Template (Replace with Title)

Replace this test w/image decription

2. Review Title (Same as above)

3. Introduction to the product and some teaser information. This is the section that is copied to other news affiliates so make sure to keep it informative yet also enticing for readers to want to continue. This is your "hook", so grab the reader’s interest.


4.  Thumbnail/Promo image: This image is what will also be used on the
sidebar, so should be as appealing as possible given the small space. (Don’t forget to delete this set of text!)


4. Insert a page–each page/section is done by using the above code.  Replace "Introduction" with what you wish the section to be called. 

5. Introduction section should provide a brief introduction about the company, the products they design, and then of the product itself.

6. IMAGES – 2 Rows, with thumbnail (if necessary) on the top column, and description underneath. When using 2 column view as below, thumbnail must be no larger than 300 width.  Ensure that each thumbnail links to a high resolution image.

Replace this test w/image decription

Replace this test w/image decription

Image 1 Description Image 2 Description

7. Copy the manufacturer specifications to this section




8. Again, replace "BODY" with what you wish the section to be called, i.e.  Unboxing, Internals, Features, Testing, etc.  Feel free to split this into however many sections you feel appropriate for the amount of content on it. Some ideas for items to cover:

  • Inside the Hardware – for hardware reviews: close up images of the unit; in-depth information on what’s inside the unit including internal pictures if possible
  • Performance
  • Features
  • Extras – anything extra that hasn’t been mentioned already that might be considered extras; maybe comparison extras to what competitors include
  • Power – for hardware reviews; Analyze how much power the unit draws; comparison to similar products if avaiable
  • Testing/Benchmarks/Quality


Replace this test w/image decription

Replace this test w/image decription

Image 1 Description Image 2 Description



9. Wrap up paragraph where you high level review the unit, what you thought about it, how it matches up price to performance versus the competition, and then your overall recommendation.  Ensure that you cover your reasoning behind any major cons and call out what the strong pros are.  If there’s something you really liked or disliked, be certain to mention them.  Unless the product was especially horrible, ensure this wrap up is balanced with both good and bad.


  • Positive


  • Negative

10. Include shopping links to Amazon & Newegg using affiliate link and current retail price, such as: You can find the [NAME OF THE PRODUCT] at AMAZON for $$$$ or NEWEGG for $$$$

11. Mention thank you to OEM that provided the review, if applicable: Thanks to ___________ for providing the review unit.