July 27th Blu-ray Releases

I know there are some Stargate fans out there, so SGU-1.5 is probably of interest there. Fan Boys is somewhat of a cult comedy from a few years back about a group of Star Wars fans on a road trip, it has its moments. La Boheme certainly has its audience as well. I was seriously contemplating selecting Rambo the collection as the pick of the week, but seeing as the individual titles have been available for a while, I didn’t see it as deserving.

MissingRemote’s Pick of the Week

Fans of this series of posts will remember I was a huge fan of the original classic version of Clash of The Titans, even with its cheesy special effects. While I have yet to see this re-make, and while the reviews have been less than stellar, I can tell that at least the action and the (hoping) commitment to the original story line will be worth the positive recommendation. Those that have seen this…let the disagreements begin (or agreement)!


Note:  Warner Brothers,Universal and Fox titles which  have the 30-day Netflix/Redbox rental window imposed on them are noted with ** next to the title.