Sony, TiVo, NCTA and others chime in on CableCARD’s replacement

Some really interesting stuff here Ben gathers from the recent meeting surrounding the evolution of Cable Card. It’s crazy to see all these big companies fighting for their own rights. Here’s to hoping that whatever wins out is best for the consumer and not the MSO only.


To sum it up the consumer electronics companies make suggestions for an IP video gateway nick named AllVid, which they hope will bring consumers choice in both hardware and software without having to change providers or sacrifice features. And on the other side, they believe that things are just great the way they are and that innovation is happening. They go on to describe how the plans in the NOI will not only fail to spur innovation, but will actually be detrimental to providers and consumers. Then just for good measure, they explain why the FCC doesn’t even have the authority to mandate such things.