August 31st Blu-ray Releases

Right off the bat, I know I’m going to get a hard time for NOT picking Sam Raimi’s awesomely classic Evil Dead. In my defense, I loved that movie, but I really didn’t like it nearly as much as I had hoped having seen Army of Darkness first. So there you go. House 5th season is a great one as usual, and can’t think of a worse movie idea than Marmaduke. Heard good things about Sons of Anarchy but never watched it.

MissingRemote’s Pick of the Week

Michael Caine has been around and played all sorts of characters, from ring leaders to Bruce Wayne’s butler, always doing an awesome job of getting into the character. I had heard nothing but positive reviews about Harry Brown, but it was still as good as expected. The plot is Harry lives in an area in England run by a small gang which torments the citizens (it’s better than I’m making it sound), and then Harry can’t take it anymore. Great movie with good amounts of drama and suspense.

Note:  Warner Brothers,Universal and Fox titles which  have the 30-day Netflix/Redbox rental window imposed on them are noted with ** next to the title.