CEA Releases RFP to Standardize Active Shutter 3D Glasses

To date, most implementations of active shutter 3D glasses technology have been incompatible with each other. With the release of its new Request For Proposal (RFP), the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) intends to standardize infrared (IR) physical and protocol layers to allow any manufacturer’s IR-based active shutter glasses to work on any display.

While this is a good start, the RFP appears to do nothing to address other communication channels such as Bluetooth found in some of the 2011 Samsung models. There is also another important issue when using universal or compatible glasses that we’ll dive into next week.

The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® today announced the launch of a new standards process for 3D glasses. CEA, the nation’s largest technology trade association, represents more than 2,000 technology manufacturers, retailers, service providers and installers. CEA seeks proposals for standardizing 3D active eyewear that uses an infrared (IR) synchronized interface from consumer electronics (CE) manufacturers. Interested participants are encouraged to join the 3D Technologies Working Group, R4WG16.

 “The expanding presence of 3DTV in the home makes the need for interoperable 3D glasses more urgent than ever,” said Brian Markwalter, CEA vice president of research and standards. “As the hub of technology industry innovation, CEA is the logical host for such a crucial effort. Industry participation will help meet consumer demand and expectations regarding 3D interoperability in the home.”


  • This seems like a day late,

    This seems like a day late, dollar short kind of implementation. From what I’ve read, the big thing this year will be passive glasses w/ either an interlace polarized film or active unit that is on the TV itself to handle the swap.  I know plenty of companies will still be doing IR(or bluetooth or whatever else they can charge an arm and a leg for) for a while but passive glasses (hopefully leading to glassless units) seems to be the way to go.

    • There are issues with both of

      There are issues with both of those approaches as well. Perhaps the biggest issue is pushing cost into the display instead of the glasses which are an optional purchase for the consumer. Also, at least so far, most displays utilizing passive glasses have all been half resolution. For passive to go full resolution, we’d need to see 4k displays.

      • I agree that the price is

        I agree that the price is pain but if I’m buying a 3D display I’d personally rather pay the price upfront and not have to worry about damaging $100 glasses or having kids break them.  With the way I am in the living room, I’d sit on the glasses or spill a drink.  I suppose pushing active sets lets manufactuers claim a higher 3D set uptake on sales numbers even if consumers don’t buy the glasses.


        This is the tech I was thinking about for non-film interlace type (so we wouldn’t need 4k displays)- http://www.slashgear.com/samsung-and-reald-create-rdz-3d-active-shutter-3d-with-passive-specs-04122859/

  • Bah. Yet another reason to

    Bah. Yet another reason to not care about 3D. Come on! It’s taken you guys this long to finally push out some kind of standard for it?! Ugh…