Verizon FiOS VOD Going Over-the-Top?

Verizon showed off some new innovations in its Flex View VOD service and revealed that they might take the service over-the-top to both subscribers and non-subscribers outside of FiOS service areas. Verizon also showed off a Roku channel that would be one way to consume Flew View VOD content.
If Verizon ends up following through, it will be interesting to see what model the service will use. Will it be all-you-can eat, a la carte or some new scheme we haven’t seen?
Verizon could soon make its Flex View video-on-demand service available to anyone, not just those that pay for its FiOS TV service, the company said today. In a press briefing that GigaOM’s Stacey Higginbotham attended, Shadman Zafar, SVP of product development for Verizon Communications, showed off some new features of the Flex View VOD offering, which could soon become available to FiOS customers and non-customers alike.
The new service would have all the same features as its existing Flex View VOD offering, including access on PCs and some mobile devices. But Verizon is looking to extend that even further, to connected devices like Roku broadband set-top boxes. Zafar showed off a channel today that could allow Verizon FiOS customers — and even non-customers — to access the company’s VOD service on Roku devices.