Blu-ray Releases – July 12, 2011

Do you love Russel Brand so much and wish there was a movie where basically he just plays himself for a full 90 minutes? Then you’re in luck, as “Arthur” is just that, where he plays a rich heir to a lot of money who falls in love with some poor girl. If you only kind of enjoy Brand or just dislike his acting altogether, then stay away from this like the plague! “Rango” is Johnny Depp’s attempt at animated comedies and it was fairly entertaining with some good laughs in there. “Brazil” is a classic although honestly, I’ve never seen it.

MissingRemote’s Pick of the Week


I’m going to nominate Insidious as the scariest movie of 2011 by far, and I don’t mean slasher or pop out scary, but just genuine scary. The premise involves a family who move into a new house and their son promptly falls into a coma for no reason…oh but there’s a reason! I don’t want to reveal any more of the film since it really is a great thrill ride. The movie is not gruesome bloody or horrific in that sense, just chill-inspiring suspense and fear throughout. Absolutely enjoyed this!!

Note:  Warner Brothers, Universal and Fox titles which  have the 30-day Netflix/Redbox rental window imposed on them are noted with **  next to the title.

  • Thanks Mike, I hadn’t heard

    Thanks Mike, I hadn’t heard of Insidious so looking forward to renting it now.

    My pick would have been Brazil…classic IMHO and anything with Brazil (or preferably Brasil) in the title gets a +1 from me.

  • If you thought Insidious was

    If you thought Insidious was good, then I’ll definitely will check it out. Looking forward for Rango also.