Logitech Revue Price Slashed in Half

It sounds like May’s price reduction of the GoogleTV-based Logitech Revue to $199 wasn’t enough to goose sales of the struggling device because Logitech has decided to reduce the price again this quarter to $99. Apparently, the whole affair has been enough to cause Logitech and now former CEO, Gerald P. Quindlen, to part ways. Even with the new pricing, it’s a bit difficult to imagine the Revue taking off in any meaningful way until the GoogleTV platform itself has been updated and considering that several content owners have blocked the device. What do you think? Can a $99 Logitech Revue compete with the likes of AppleTV and Roku?
This is becoming a trend. After a disappointing Q4 saw Logitech reduce the price of its Revue it revealed today that after a net loss of $29.6 million for the first quarter it is cutting the price of the Revue to $99, as well as saying goodbye to CEO Gerald P. Quindlen. Quindlen had been an outspoken supporter of the Google TV box (see the video after the break) but according to Logitech this price cut and corresponding $34 million hit to its finances are necessary to “remove price as a barrier to broad customer acceptance.” In the midst of these results — as well as lowered sales in several regions and key products like Harmony remotes — Chairman and former CEO Guerrino De Luca will assume the role of acting CEO while a long term replacement is sought.
For $100 it’s really
For $100 it’s really tempting. Not for the GTV, but getting the keyboard and a potentially hackable CE4100 system (wonder if it would run 7MC or Boxee) 🙂
Anyone know a store that actually sells it for that?
They just announced this so I
They just announced this so I would suspect it will be a few days before the new pricing trickles down to retailers.
I agree that for the enthusiast, $100 is a nice price to see what can be done with it. Logitech is definitely losing money on hardware cost alone at $100 per unit – retailer profit.
I believe the keyboard will work with a PC so that is a nice bonus. I was actually quite interested in it with respect to HTPC use, but nobody in Logitech’s booth at CES could answer any questions about it.
swoon wrote:They just
They just announced this so I would suspect it will be a few days before the new pricing trickles down to retailers.
I agree that for the enthusiast, $100 is a nice price to see what can be done with it. Logitech is definitely losing money on hardware cost alone at $100 per unit – retailer profit.
I believe the keyboard will work with a PC so that is a nice bonus. I was actually quite interested in it with respect to HTPC use, but nobody in Logitech’s booth at CES could answer any questions about it.
I don’t know if Logitech is losing money, in fact I probably doubt it. WIth volume levels clearly higher than we thought initially, im sure they got a smoking deal on the components. PLUS, and this is 100% guessing on my part, you have to figure Google forked over some RD funds Logitech’s way to bite the bullet on being the first to launch
They are geniuses if they
They are geniuses if they figured out how to get BOM cost of the keyboard and Revue lower than $100 – retailer cut. They priced this thing at $300 initially which was highly uncompetitive. The only reasonable rationale for that would seem to be because BOM was probably quite high. AppleTV BOM is ~$64 and that isn’t going to be nearly as much as a Revue + keyboard. Just a quick glance at the innards of the two units and it is obvious. Volume and cheap labor bring costs down, but only to a point.
Logitech had more returns last quarter than sales so they have no choice but to get super aggressive with price to get rid of their inventory.
Best Buy in my town has it in
Best Buy in my town has it in stock, but it is still at the $249 mark…..
Same thoughts here. I just
Same thoughts here. I just want the keyboard. It’s a shame the box isn’t hackable, as far as I can tell. Though at $99, there might be a lot more interest by the XDA folks now.
Wonder if GTVv2 will get a
Wonder if GTVv2 will get a Vudu app.
This maybe a very nice option
This maybe a very nice option now it is down to $99…..this might be a purchase soon…..
I have no need for it but at
I have no need for it but at $99 I want one….
FYI, Logitech is scheduled to
FYI, Logitech is scheduled to offer it directly tomorrow.
Update: The deal is now live.
Bestbuy.com has it for $99
Bestbuy.com has it for $99 now.
They do, but it is cheaper
They do, but it is cheaper from Logitech or TigerDirect.
Please see this thread for retail purchase information.
Also looks like someone has
Also looks like someone has hacked honeycomb on to it without modding the hardware: