Dish Network Lets Tailgaters Take Their TV with Them

With the fast approaching football season Dish network has offered of a solution to the delima of whether to tailgate before the game or head to a bar first to catch at least some of the action of the other games.
First hinted at back in May, the ten pound box automatically locates satellite positions, offering up HD content on the go for owners of Dish’s ViP 211k HD receiver. The box runs $350 and is apparently rather easy to set up, making it a pretty enticing option for those who absolutely need to watch a sporting event in the parking lot while waiting to get into a sporting event.
That’s a heck of an
That’s a heck of an affordable solution for RVers too.
That it is as I don’t own an
That it is as I don’t own an RV that particular usuage scenerio had not occured to me.